Business, Industry, language, translation, Writing

How do you become a professional translator?

For me, translation is a challenging and truly rewarding career. Working as a translator is not for everyone, though. It requires attention to detail, flexibility and the ability to work collaboratively with clients. But, for the right person it is an intellectually stimulating job that always offers new opportunities to learn and help people. The… Continue reading How do you become a professional translator?

Business, Industry, translation

Translation and the Importance of Localization in Marketing

Localization is one of those profession-specific terms that is used by translators and marketers alike. It refers to the process of adapting a product or content of media to the preferences, expectations and culture of a particular locale. And it’s very important, especially to our field. It isn't enough to simply translate something word for… Continue reading Translation and the Importance of Localization in Marketing

Industry, translation

Tips for Finding the Right Translator

These days, searching for the right translator for your translation project is made easier by technology and the internet - instant searches can yield plenty of translation professionals with specializations relevant to your needs at the click of a button. But it can be challenging to figure out how to find the right translator for… Continue reading Tips for Finding the Right Translator

Business, Contract, Industry, translation

What Every Translator Needs to Know Before You Hire Them

As a translator, I am working with clients all day every day and I have learned over the past two decades of experience owning ACR Spanish Translations that there are some key things every translator needs to know before you hire them. So get out your notepad and take some notes for the next time… Continue reading What Every Translator Needs to Know Before You Hire Them

Reach Fresh Canadian Markets with Experienced Spanish Translators
Business, Industry

Reach Fresh Canadian Markets with Experienced Spanish Translators

Spanish language translations allow companies to break into markets and communities that tend to go overlooked in Canada. Fast Facts: With an extensive and diverse worldwide population, Spanish speaking audiences represent a great and growing opportunity for companies looking to reach new audiences. Did you know that Spanish is the official language of twenty countries?… Continue reading Reach Fresh Canadian Markets with Experienced Spanish Translators