Business, Industry, translation

Translation and the Importance of Localization in Marketing

Localization is one of those profession-specific terms that is used by translators and marketers alike. It refers to the process of adapting a product or content of media to the preferences, expectations and culture of a particular locale. And it’s very important, especially to our field. It isn't enough to simply translate something word for… Continue reading Translation and the Importance of Localization in Marketing

language, translation

Are There “Untranslatable” Words in Spanish?

Languages are deeply rooted in the cultures from which they come and are even synonymous with them. Like cultures, languages are fluid and evolve through the people that use them and according to the circumstances in which they are found. A translator’s job is much more than exchanging some words for others: they are responsible… Continue reading Are There “Untranslatable” Words in Spanish?

language, translation

Amazing Facts about the Spanish Language

I might be a little biased but Spanish is easily one of the most amazing languages in the world. With a rich history, beautiful rhythms and deep-rooted meaning in unique vocabulary, Spanish is one of those languages that just flows and evolves in beautiful ways. It is alive and vibrant with the flavors of all… Continue reading Amazing Facts about the Spanish Language

Industry, translation

Tips for Finding the Right Translator

These days, searching for the right translator for your translation project is made easier by technology and the internet - instant searches can yield plenty of translation professionals with specializations relevant to your needs at the click of a button. But it can be challenging to figure out how to find the right translator for… Continue reading Tips for Finding the Right Translator